Naalbinding… again

I have some friends who would like to learn to naalbind.  As a result I decided I’d better re-learn the basics…lol  When my young granddaughter in law was here I found that I couldn’t remember how to start.. 😦   ughhh

Sooo.. I finally found the video uploaded by  PittyOm  showing the basics of the Oslo stitch.  Even though it is entirely in German, the steps are so  easy to follow that the language is unnecessary.  You can find it here..

The next thing I did was order several naalbinding needles from The Spanish Peacock…  (you’ll love his site!)   DSCF4511

Then I decided I had better try to make  So here is a cap nalbound with the Mammen stitch (also called the Korgen Stitch) … In the video by  Neulakintaat  found here.. I learned that if I pick up the F1 stitch and then add one old stitch, the stitches hold closer to one another.  I’ve done the Mammen Stitch for years, but find that picking up that one old stitch makes such a difference in the sturdiness of the finished project.

This was done with some yarn that has been sitting in my closet for quite a while.  It was spun so long ago I can’t remember the kind of wool… I just remember that it is the most gloriously soft and springy wool I have ever spun.   (Aside from some new wool that came from New Zealand with my Malcolm Fielding Purse Size Tibetan Spindle.

The weather here in North Texas has been gray all year.. 😦  We had the worst flooding (I mean bad enough to take out entire streets in our city), then a wet summer and now a warm, wet late fall..  We need the rain, don’t get me wrong.  But.. it makes for a real need for sunshine (she says until the hot days of August roll around

Wishing everyone a true Christmas Holiday…with lots of family and friends..  Hugs..

About Linda S.

Retired Grandma living in North Central Texas and enjoying being able to spend my time with all my many crafting interests.
This entry was posted in Classes, Handcraft, handmade, Handwork, Historical Textile, hobby, Naalbinding, nalbinding, Spindling, Spinning, Tutorials. Bookmark the permalink.

3 Responses to Naalbinding… again

  1. Teri of NC (fiberdrunk) says:

    Really lovely, Linda!

  2. Linda S. says:

    Thanks, Teri. 🙂 I have to say I REALLY miss your But I still get a note telling me when you post to flickr. Hugs.. hope you and yours have a wonderful Christmas.

  3. Teri of NC (fiberdrunk) says:

    You’re so kind! Thank you! I hope your Christmas is wonderful, too!

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