I Finished the Sock..Warped the Loom…Started a Scarf…

Bad Sock

 I haven’t posted for a few days…life has been a little busy.  I finally finished the sock.  I did all the measuring two inches from the top of the toes and all that… looks pretty good, huh?   Well….  that’s my foot it’s on!  If he stretches it as far as it will go he can get it on…  So, I have started another…

New Sock

I went to Hobby Lobby and I found some of the little things that look like erasers to hold the stitches on the needles.  This time…wouldn’t you know… the stitches seem to be hanging on pretty well.  I do use these each time I am interrupted, tho…just in case.  

This pair will be a little different in that I am using a k1,p1 ribbing instead of a k2,p2 ribbing.  I think this will hold it up better.  And this time all pattern instructions aside…I will end it when I think it will fit!

 Plaid Weave I warped my Kromski Harp loom yesterday using my handspun and am trying to use only what I have spindle spun to weave this long piece of fabric.  The plan is to cut it into squares and quilt it.. we will have to see how that works, but I see no reason why it will not.  I am having a little trouble holding the tension (as you can see) because this is yarn and is quite stretchy.  Also, as I rolled the warp onto the back bar, the paper scrunched up …and from what I read today this is not a good thing and does affect the tension…hmm  Will have to look into that more closely.  However, I am hoping that when I take this off the stretch will allow these weft yarns to fall into place… (It might happen…!!)


Falling Water Lace Scarf

I am now totally infatuated with the idea that I can knit something pretty.   I found this Falling Water Lace Scarf as a free pattern in Ravelry.  This Baby Bee yarn is so very soft and easy to work with.  It feels good on my hands.  The colorway is named Camouflage, but I have a bit of a problem seeing it as that…lol 

I think when I finish this I may bravely entertain the idea of trying a baby sweater…

About Linda S.

Retired Grandma living in North Central Texas and enjoying being able to spend my time with all my many crafting interests.
This entry was posted in Free Patterns, Handcraft, Handwork, Knit, Quilt, Spindling, Spinning, Weaving. Bookmark the permalink.

1 Response to I Finished the Sock..Warped the Loom…Started a Scarf…

  1. Joanne says:

    I made that scarf, mine is in a deep purple, I think it looks much prettier in your lighter yarn!

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