Making Non Slip Felted Slippers? (tutorial)

I came across this site the other day and was impressed with the simplicity of it…now why didn’t I think of that? !!  grin   All Buttoned Up  is one of my favorite blogs to read and has this terrific tutorial for using silicone caulk to make the bottoms of felted slippers not only skid proof but last longer. 

After I crocheted the slippers/socks in the pic my first thought was…”but they don’t last very long!”  Guess what’s gonna happen now!

About Linda S.

Retired Grandma living in North Central Texas and enjoying being able to spend my time with all my many crafting interests.
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1 Response to Making Non Slip Felted Slippers? (tutorial)

  1. Wromrhymn says:

    very intresting

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