Pedicure Socks… pattern

If you’ve ever had a pedicure then you’re familiar with the slippery slope that comes with trying to wear those little throw-away flip flops home…first trying to stay on them and then trying to drive with your oily feet slipping around on the pedals…  These socks are the perfect answer… What a duhhh moment…grin  The designer is Ruthie Nussbaum.  You can find more about her and more of her designs at Ruthie Nussbaum, Knitwear Designer.  Have a look…

About Linda S.

Retired Grandma living in North Central Texas and enjoying being able to spend my time with all my many crafting interests.
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2 Responses to Pedicure Socks… pattern

  1. Alicja says:

    Interestingly if I can do this. How much does it take to get one?

  2. Joan says:

    looking for a free patter for pedicure socks crochted

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