
me2006.jpgWhat is there about a needle and thread that just feels right?  I’ve given up on ever finding the answer to that one and have accepted the fact that I will probably die with a needle of some kind in my hand.  And that’s ok… everyone needs an obsession… right? 

11 Responses to About

  1. dorothy leavitt says:

    I think I know exactly how you feel, but for me it is knitting needles. I try to knit one sweater a month but am constantly looking at magazines for new inspiration. I even tazke my knitting with me in the car and knit when I have a few moments. I would add though that I do not have UFO”s, I always finish what I am doing before starting a new project.

  2. Beth says:

    Hi, I really like some of your patterns. Will you give me permission to sell what I make from them? Thanks.

  3. Vicky says:

    I just ran across your blog and found the aran pattern you described. You sound great! Where can I find out more about you…I’m really new to this internet contact stuff…Vicky (Washington State)

  4. Hi,
    Somebody from our town is giving a lecture on Naalbinding. it is a free lecture and I was wondering if it was okay to use your picture (white little piece in progress on my website to make people understand wha t this is all albout.
    Thank you and let me know.


  5. April says:

    Hi, my Mom is looking for an applique pattern of an antique sewing machine, any idea where she could find one?? She made a sewing machine cover from her own pattern and would like to embelish it with an applique.


  6. Patricia Smith says:

    I have just purchased some Panda Sahay Yarn. I bought it to knit a scarf out of it. The shop assistant said that I could get a free pattern of the internet. I have been unable to find this. Could you please help me?

  7. Linda S. says:

    Hi Patricia, I have found several Panda yarn patterns at Straw.com. I haven’t seen any called Panda Sahay, but I’m sure these patterns would work if you like any of them. ;o)



  8. quietwoman says:

    Hi there. Your blog looks interesting. Also from Texas.

  9. Amber says:

    I have a question about Cranston Village, and I am wondering if you may be able to help me locate something. It’s a long shot, but worth it.

  10. Sureen Mitchell says:

    Hi Linda – What a blog!!! Most interesting though.
    I am desperately looking for the tutorial on how to build the swift wool winder that you have made. The website you quoted doesn’t exist anymore. Is it possible that you could redirect me please? I also have a SDH who sometimes can turn his hand to most things, & I’d love to have him make one for me. He is getting tired of holding his arms out for me to wind wool!!
    Many thanks from Cape Town.
    Sureen M

  11. Gayle Prollius says:

    Hi I’m looking for a girls poncho pattern Z276 can you help me please

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