Crocheted Washable Swiffer Cover




Swiffer Cover

Peaches and Cream Cotton Yarn  (not 

Crochet Hook  size I  (US)

Starting chain and Row 1:   Chain 19, turn, sc in second chain from hook and sc across chain to end.  Ch 1 and turn.  You should have 17 sc in this row.

To make the turn back pocket that will hold the cover on:

Row 2-10:  sc across (there should be 17 stitches), chain 1 and turn. 

 To make the looped stitch mop area of the cover:

Row 11:  sc in 2 sc, loop stitch in next 13 stitches, sc in 2 sc.  Ch 1, turn.

Row 12:  sc in each stitch across.  (There should be 17 stitches.) Chain 1, turn.

Repeat rows 11 and 12 for 15 rows.  ( It will look like it is too short, but if you stretch it a bit, the looped stitch rows should fit across the bottom of the swiffer. )

To make the turn back pocket on the other end.

Rows 42-51:  sc in each stitch across. (There should be 17 stitches) ch 1, turn.

Row 52:  sc in each stitch across.  Finish off…

Fold back each end at the beginning loop stitch row and sew edges together using whatever stitch you are comfortable with.  I used a simple whip stitch.  Do the same to each side and both ends.  With a little pull, it should now fit your Swiffer.  

No 2 crocheters have the same tension… or if you use another size needle or yarn.. this pattern is very easy to modify.  Just increase or decrease the number of stitches or rows to make it fit your Swiffer.   If you do modify, remember that crochet is a bit stretchy, so put some stretch into it when you test size against your Swiffer size.

7 Responses to Crocheted Washable Swiffer Cover

  1. Great Idea, the store bought replacements are expensive, and these you can wash and re-use.

  2. ELEN says:


  3. Julie Lloyd says:


    I am looking to crochet or knit a Winnie the pooh blanket any ideas?

  4. Linda says:

    Hi Julie… here’s a link to a pattern for Winnie the Pooh….

    Please bear in mind that you must download this pattern as a picture and then print it or it will not print the entire pattern.. ;o)

  5. Denece Newman says:

    I am looking for a vintage pattern for loop stitch crochet slippers. It is very similar to the “swiffer” appearance you have here on your website. I believe the sole is single crocheted with the sides and top are completed with a loop stitch.
    I would appreciate any help you could share with me to find information that could lead me to a pattern. Thank you in advance, Denece

  6. Mary says:

    This does not hold up in the laundry. The loops migrate to the wrong side and leave large gaps in the middle of the pad. I am going to look for another pattern.

  7. Tina says:

    Mary, perhaps it would be better to soak for a few hours then softly use a nail brush, rinse and dry. Washing machines can be harsh.

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